Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hilarious YouTube'r I Think Yes

I've got a great treat for you if you love to watch funny youtube videos, do you love funny videos involving someone sneaking on fields, getting in trouble with the police or pissing people off with pranks then this youtuber is for you....

For over 100+ video visit http://www.youtube.com/user/nqtv

Monday, November 1, 2010

Four Lokos "Black Out In A Can" Being Banned?

News came out today about the popular four lokos energy/achohol drink is soon to be banned... with recent stories and even harvard college calling it "badness in a can", news has been rumoring about saying they will soon to be banned from the United States, so stay tuned to learn more as the story progresses, and go out and buy as many four lokos you can get while time remains!